Winning Strategies for Financial Independence

Financial independence is not a dream. It is something you have to worked for. It is a priority. Therefore, put a deadline to this priority.

Working hard to gain financial independence requires the right mind set with the right strategies. Possessing knowledge on the basic steps to a solid financial foundation is a key step. However, this is nothing if you don't apply it.

I believe that joining International Marketing Group (IMG) is the right path to financial independence. Attending the recent IMG Annual Convention of Champions held on June 10-11, 2012 at the SMX Convention Center was truly an eye-opener! The convention was packed with a thousand members of the IMG family from various parts of the Philippines, as well as, from other countries.

We learned a lot from the powerful convention speakers: Rex Mendoza, Vivian Olerio, Bo Sanchez, Liz Zetazate and the top brass of IMG, Noel Arandilla and Joey de la Pena.

Invest to Win

Financial independence and a solid financial foundation is not complete without an investor mindset. Here's a synthesis of what I learned on investing from marketing and investment wizard, Mr. Rex Mendoza, the President and CEO of the Philippine American Life and General Insurance Co. (PHILAM):

  1. Invest like an entrepreneur. An investor is basically an entrepreneur.
  2. Be adept with numbers. Investing is a numbers game. You need to understand economic and market trends and its volatility.
  3. Stick to your investment objectives. A clear investment objectives translates to a clear focus and strategy.
  4. Strive to possess an entrepreneurial mindset. You should be quick to grab opportunities.
  5. Be in the right crowd. To become an astute investor, circulate with people who possess the investors' mindset.

Have the Right Motivation

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We are our brothers' and sisters' keepers. This is what Mr Bo Sanchez emphasized in his speech; that God is not against getting rich. But we have to pursue material wealth in accordance to God's instructions: to care for others. Bo recalled how his heart bled for not being able to help a woman who needs 700 pesos to pay for the tuition of his child because all he had in his pocket was 20 pesos.

US based Vivian Olerio, a CEO of World Financial Group, the mother company of IMG, also shared her greatest motivation to join IMG and make money; which is to be able to help her sister who was then diagnosed with cancer. Although her sister did not make it, she is still fired up and relentlessly keep on helping others succeed through IMG so that these successful people can also help the people that matters to them.

Keep Tools for Success

I've put together food for thoughts that Ms Vivian Olerio shared during the convention. This is to make sure that I can refer to them back for inspiration and motivation:

  1. Always have a purpose in your life. Why do people stop working? They run out of purpose.
  2. The problem is not: "you always aim too high and always miss it". The problem is: " You always aim too low and you always hit it".
  3. Success formula: hard work + right opportunity
  4. Three(4) P's of success: Patience, Persistence, and Perserverance
  5. To be successful, don't look at the winners. Look at the losers and don't copy them.

From CEO Noel Arandilla are the following motivation and guides to success:

  1. Success is going out of your comfort zone. It takes a lot of courage to go out of our comfort zones.
  2. Put a deadline of your dreams.